Instructions for mappers. 1) copy noob.tga to \baseq3\textures\common - if the "common" folder doesn't exist, create it and copy the file into it then 2) copy custinfoparms.txt to \baseq3\scripts 3) add "-custinfoparms" to the q3map command line when compiling the map...example: ! "D:/q3/gtk/q3map2" -v # -game quake3 -fs_basepath "d:/q3//" -meta -custinfoparms $ 4) add this block to common.shader (\baseq3\scripts\common.shader). if that file doesn't exist, re-extract it from pak0.pk3 (scripts folder) to \baseq3\scripts\ and add the block to it then. textures/common/noob { qer_trans 0.20 surfaceparm nodraw surfaceparm nolightmap surfaceparm nomarks surfaceparm trans surfaceparm noob } 5) the no ob surface is now available in the texture package "common" and ready to be used w3sp